Events may begin up to 15 minutes before scheduled time.
Pool deck is strictly limited to accredited access only (pool deck is NOT a suitable viewing area for athletes)
The Marshalling zone is strictly limited to marshalling athletes, coach or team manager or interpreter and is not a viewing area.
A club (accredited) coach must be in the kiss and cry zone for the entire time a routine is being performed to be able to signal lifeguards if an athlete is in distress in the water.
Dive Pool access. When an event (or group) is allocated warm up time in the Dive Pool, they are the only athletes permitted in the dive pool at that time. There are 3 lanes in the 50m pool allocated for other athletes to warm up/practice/cool down.
Once events are signed off by referee (official), clubs will be notified of the athletes required to attend presentations. Athletes must be in the presentation zone 5 minutes prior to presentation time.
Athletes that have just competed are required to remain in the score announcement zone until scores have been announced.
Team managers are responsible for ensuring their athletes are seated in the athlete seating and not in the area reserved for spectators. Your cooperation with this, and ensuring the areas are kept free of litter is appreciated.